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Wedding Group Photos - The Complete Guide

Wedding Group Photos - The Complete Guide

Most couples want them and most people hate them. But this all comes down to how they’re managed. Let's talk Group Photos...

I totally understand why nobody wants to spend what feels like half the day standing around waiting for their name to be called so they can stand in a line just to grip and grin.

Here’s the thing, I feel your pain and this is why I’ve put together the ultimate guide to getting this part of the day done and dusted.

Explain the importance of these photographs to your Photographer

Some people want them because it’s not often family get together and some people just want them purely to document who was there on the day. Each of those serves a different purpose and can therefore be treated differently. If they are of great importance to you then an appropriate amount of time needs to be carved out from the day to ensure you get the groupings that you want.


Start to think about the group photos that you really want.

Specifically, the important ones and don’t feel like you’ve got to have group photos that involve 400 different combinations.

Typically group photographs are done after the ceremony and before the wedding breakfast. Allowing anything from 1 hour to 3 hours for these to take place. Speaking to your Photographer is vital in working out what is realistically achievable in the time frame you are given.

Send help!

It’s always handy at this time of day to have someone from the Bridal Party assist the Photographer to gather those necessary people together. Quickly and effectively.

Explain the importance, mobility, and needs of those involved

Personally speaking, before the day itself, I like to put together a list of the group photographs wanted and place them in a specific order that works best. This information lets me know that if Nana Pat can’t stand around too long, I can make the photographs involving her a top priority. Likewise with small children.

Who am I looking at?!

During the Group Photos, it is a brilliant time for Uncle Bob to jump in and grab some photographs of his own. Only now, you don’t know which way to look. Half of the people are looking at Uncle Bob and the other half are looking at the hired photographer.

This happens, it’s expected. Why shouldn’t people be allowed to take their own photographs? Me? I usually just allow Uncle Bob to grab one after I’m done. Just understand that this can delay the process.

Timing is everything

Statistically, having them right after the ceremony gives you a higher chance of everyone being present. There’s nothing worse than waiting around whilst Auntie Di has nipped to the bar and Little Peter has had to nip to the bathroom or even worse, guests have started making their way home or onto the next destination.


Things change

Sometimes, right after the ceremony might not be the most practical time, maybe it’s raining, maybe the canapés came out early, or maybe you would much rather say hello to your guests. That’s all completely fine, just remember to let your Photographer know.

Speak up

Remember this…. It’s your day. Don’t let anyone else dictate what groups need to be done or let them try to take control over the group photos on the day. This particularly applies if you’re wanting a select few and want to get them done and dusted. I’ve witnessed bridal party members and guests in the past continually adding combinations on the day much to the couple’s annoyance. You don’t want that on your wedding day.


Where to start

The below list is the list I supply to all my couples to go through prior to the Wedding day. Feel free to add more to the list but just remember in doing so, you’ll be adding on time. As said earlier, not every combination needs to be done.


Other Guests

Group Shot of Partner A & Partner B with All Guests

Partner A Immediate Family

Partner A & Partner B, Partner A Parents, Partner A Grandparents & Partner A Siblings (inc any partners and children of the Brides siblings)

Partner A, Partner B and Partner A Grandparents

Partner A, Partner B and Partner A Parents

Partner A and Parents (together and then individually with Partner A)


From Both Sides

Partner A, Partner B and Both sets of Parents


Partner B Immediate Family

Partner A & Partner B, Partner B Parents, Partner B Grandparents & Partner B Siblings (inc any partners and children of the Partner B siblings)

Partner A, Partner B and Partner B Grandparents

Partner A, Partner B and Partner B Parents

Partner B and Partner B Parents (together and then individually with Partner B)


Bridal Party

Partner A, Partner B, and Squads

Partner A, Partner B & Partner A’s Squad

Partner A, Partner B, & Partner B’s Squad

Partner A and Partner A’s Squad

Partner B, & Partner B’s Squad


 As a rough idea, I’d expect the above number of photographs to take approx 20-30mins.