Just Got Engaged - Now What?
Just Got Engaged - Now What?
Firstly, congratulations on your engagement, it’s a very exciting time but it can also be a little overwhelming as to what to do first. This is why I’ve put together a list of the top 5 things to do whether you’ve just popped the question or you’ve just said “yes”.
Celebrate and Enjoy The Moment.
First things first, crack open that bottle of bubbly and just celebrate the moment together. As you begin to start to plan your journey together there’s a lot to consider, if you haven’t already, take a look here for my list of things to talk about prior to getting engaged. It’s not too late to start this conversation going and it’s a good reminder that you’re on the same page with it all.
Take some time to let the news sink in.
There is absolutely no need to go diving into wedding planning head first. Take a little time to just treasure this moment and let the excitement and feeling of joy just sit with you for as long as it takes.
Tell The World
Ok, this one is absolutely optional but for a lot of people, getting the news out is an incredibly exciting time. Whether you choose to do this or not, remember that somethings are best done in person and whilst your might not to get all your family and friends together at the same time to tell them the news, consider that if you’re wanting to be the one to let those important people know first… word spreads… fast. In other words, keep to telling the ‘gossips’ last ;)
Set a Budget First
I’ve written about this before and to understand why this is the most important thing you should do first (even before setting a date) see here.
Start Thinking and Talking About The Type of Wedding You Want.
What type of venue do you both have in mind? Are you looking for a civil ceremony or a religious one? Are you prepared to travel or are you looking for venues in Shropshire? If so, have a read here to start getting you on track.
Make a Checklist.
Now is the time to start taking notes, making checklists and above all, keeping yourself organised. It’s always a good idea to keep all your wedding paperwork in one place, that way you can keep organised about important dates, receipts, quotes and contracts.
There is much to consider when planning a wedding and if there is anything I can help with at all, do drop me a message. - rich@rorangephotography.co.uk
Let’s be real here, you’ve probably heard it before but if not, let me tell you, your wedding day will go by like a flash. Whilst photographs are going to help keep that moment/memory alive, they are not a substitute for your memories…